07842 167767 harpendenccc@gmail.com

Child Contact Services

that work better for children

Providing safe spaces where children can meet the parents they don’t live with.

Child Contact Services

that work better for children

Providing safe spaces where children can meet
the parents they don’t live with.

Harpenden Child Contact Centre

Harpenden Child Contact Centre

How can we help you?

I’m a parent or
family member >

I’m a professional
in child services >

I’m looking to
volunteer >

Parenting shouldn’t end
when relationships do.

More than a million children have no contact with one of their parents after separation. Unfortunately this can lead to some children experiencing behavioural issues, such as anxiety, unhappiness or other physical and emotional problems.

NACCC is the only charity in the UK dedicated to helping families to resolve this problem by providing safe spaces where children can meet the parents or other family members they don’t live with. The NACCC oversees around 350 contact centres across the UK, run by a network of nearly 4,000 volunteers.

The Harpenden Child Contact Centre offers supported contact – that means it is suitable for families where no significant risks to the child or those around the child have been identified. We welcome referrals made through a solicitor, CAFCASS officer, family mediator or social worker. We also accept self-referrals from families.

Feedback from some of our families

‘’I would like to thank you and your team at Harpenden for allowing my daughter and myself to spend time there. We have made fantastic memories. Thank you also for your professionalism and duty of care’.


‘’Thank you so much to yourself (our admin support) and all the staff for the help we’ve received since starting at the contact centre, it’s been very much appreciated.’


‘Many, many thanks for all the time and effort you volunteers put into keeping the Contact Centre going. Your efforts are appreciated.’


‘We wanted to thank all the volunteers who make it possible for the Contact Centre to exist. For my son, it was a lifeline to his own son – both of whom love each other very much.’



What is the self
referral process?

Find out how to set up contact for
your child >



Help us to raise

Find out how you can help to
support our centre >



Interested in

Find out how you can help
run the centre >


Latest News from Harpenden Child Contact Centre

Click on the image, if one is present, the title or read more link to open the news item up.

AGM 2024 – Save the date

    Our 2024 AGM will take place in Harpenden on Tuesday 14th May. Please save the date to attend. We will be providing more information on the venue and speaker in the upcoming weeks.

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Jean McIntosh

Jean McIntosh

We are very sorry to say goodbye to one of our original Volunteers, Jean McIntosh, who has decided after 17 years with HCC that the time has come to step down. She will be missed.  Although not a Roman Catholic, Jean went to a Convent school which had as its motto "I...

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Centre Open Dates for 2024

Centre Open Dates for 2024

Centre Open Dates for 2024 Families that are already coming to the centre can download a copy of our open dates for 2024 below. If you are a new family interested to use our centre, please see if the dates and timings would work for you. If you have any questions you...

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